Rice County
Site 14RC424

14BRC424thumb2 14RC424-1 unifacial flake knife of Alibates.jpg 14RC424-2  unifacial flake knife of SHJ.jpg 14RC424-3  unifacial flake knife of SHJ.jpg 14RC424-4  unifacial flake knife of SHJ.jpg 14RC424-5  unifacial flake knife.jpg 14RC424-6 unifacial flake knife of Florence A.jpg 14RC424-7  unifacial flake knife of SHJ.jpg 14RC424-8  unifacial flake knife of SHJ.jpg 14RC424-9 unifacial flake knife of Alibates.jpg 14RC424-10 alternately beveled bifacial knife.jpg 14RC424-11 side scraper lof SHJ.jpg 14RC424-15 large biface fragment of SHJ.jpg 14RC424-22 unfinished point.jpg 14RC424-26 small hafted biface.jpg 14RC424-27 large end scraper.jpg 14RC424-41 unifacial flake knife of SHJ.jpg 14RC424-42  scraping tool.jpg 14RC424-43 unuifacial flake knife of SHJ.jpg 14RC424-50 small hafted biface.jpg 14RC424-69  unifacial flake knife of SHJ.jpg 14RC424-70 alternately beveled knife blade.jpg 14RC424-71 alternately beveled knife blade.jpg 14RC424-84 quartzite pebble.jpg 14RC424-86 flake of green Smoky Hill jasper
14RC424thumb2 14RC424-87 flake of Smoky Hill jasper 14RC424-88  unifacial flake knife of SHJ.jpg 14RC424-89 worked pipestone pebble.jpg 14RC424-90 cobble hammerstone.jpg 14RC424-91 fine-grained abrader.jpg 14RC424-92 flintknapper's stone.jpg 14RC424-93 flintknapper's stone.jpg 14RC424-100 plain vertical rim.jpg 14RC424-107 cord roughened sherd.jpg 14RC424-109 cord roughened sherd.jpg 14RC424-111 Trailed rim with vertical tab.jpg 14RC424-123  Southwestern sherd.jpg 14RC424-124 side scraper of Alibates.jpg 14RC424-128  unifacial flake knife of SHJ.jpg 14RC424-130 graver.jpg 14RC424-137 daub.jpg 14RC424-161-3 mussel shell scrapers.jpg 14RC424 Bone beads.jpg 14RC424 Bone pin.jpg 14RC424 clay objects.jpg 14RC424 cord roughened flaring rim.jpg 14RC424 corn cobs.jpg 14RC424 Corn stalk.jpg
14BU404 Cc 14RC424 Turkey tendon.jpg 14RC424 trailed decoration.jpg 14RC424 Thin decorated rim.jpg 14RC424 stone awls.jpg 14RC424 small vertical plain rims.jpg 14RC424 shaft abraders 2.jpg 14RC424 shaft abraders 1.jpg 14RC424 sand-tempered rims.jpg 14RC424 red-slipped sherds.jpg 14RC424 red-slipped bowl.jpg 14RC424 Potters clay.jpg 14RC424 points.jpg 14RC424 Pipe stem fragment.jpg 14RC424 obsidian flakes.jpg 14RC424 notched points 2.jpg 14RC424 notched points.jpg 14RC424 larger unfinished points.jpg 14RC424 handles.jpg 14RC424 fired potter's clay.jpg 14RC424 end scrapers 2.jpg 14RC424 end scrapers 1.jpg 14RC424 end scrapers32.jpg 14RC424 direct rim with decorated lip.jpg 14RC424 daub with wattle impressions.jpg

14BU404 Cg 14RC424 unfinished points 1.jpg 14RC424 unfinished points 2.jpg

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